Greenhouse gas emissions reduction to cost Namibia N$112 billion

Government’s aim to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 91% by 2030 will cost around N$112.3 billion of which N$65.2 billion is for mitigation measures and N$47.1 billion is for adaptation targets, minister of environment, forestry and tourism Pohamba Shifeta has said.

In terms of limiting greenhouse gas emissions, government has targeted four sectors – Energy, waste, industrial processes and product use and agriculture, Forestry and other land use.

“90% of the required funding to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions will be sourced from multilateral and bilateral sources and only 10% of the funding will be sourced domestically. In view, of the above figures, the Ministry will continue to work with different development partners and multilateral funding windows such at the Adaptation Fund, Global Environmental Facility and Green Climate Fund to mobilize climate finance,” Shifeta said.

He added that last year, the Ministry coordinated the updating and submission of Namibia’s climate change commitments known as the Nationally Determined Contributions as per the requirement of the Paris Agreement.

“In this document we have pledged our commitment to the world towards limiting the global temperature rise to well below 1.5 degree Celsius as well as how we intend to increase resilience across our key economic sectors,” he said.

He also said that the Ministry will continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure that climate change issues are integrated in all spheres of our developmental aspirations and conservation efforts.

“We are excited by and fully committed to the development of the green hydrogen industry and has designated land in the Tsau //Khaeb National Park for the Southern Corridor Development Initiative for green hydrogen,” Shifeta said.

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