47 000 taxpayers sought relief – Shivute

ATLEAST 47 000 taxpayers participated in the Electronic Filing Tax Relief Programme that ended earlier this year, Namibia Revenue Agency (Namra) commissioner, Sam Shivute has said.

A total amount of N$ 11 156 626 675 in penalties was waived while N$1 320 528 999 was collected and paid into the State Account.

“This amount represents 7% of the opening tax debt for fiscal year 2021/2022,” Shivute further stated.

This tax incentive programme was introduced to offer a much-needed relief to taxpayers by writing off a percentage of the interest and penalties owed as a tax arrears to NamRA, to promote the online filing of tax returns and general usage of the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS)and to provide an infusion of cash into the State Revenue Fund through the settlement of tax arrears by delinquent taxpayers.

“We would like to thank all taxpayers who participated in this programme and ensured that their tax affairs are in order. This is the right thing to do. Well done. Before and after the closing date of the programme on 31 January 2022, there were numerous requests to extend the tax incentive programme to afford more taxpayers an opportunity to partake and settle their tax dues. I am pleased to inform you that the Minister of Finance has considered and positively responded to the requests to extend the incentive programme,” Shivute further added.

The modified Electronic Tax Relief Programme will thus be as follow: 70% of interest and 100% of penalties will be waived if taxpayers with tax arrears register on ITAS portal and pay off the outstanding capital amount during the first six months effective 1st June 2022 and 60% of interest and 100% of the penalties will be waived if a taxpayers with tax arrears register on ITAS portal and pay off the outstanding capital amount during the remaining six months effective 1 December 2022 to 30 May 2023.

“We thus encourage all taxpayers with outstanding tax debts to participate in the Modified Electronic Incentive Programme and settle their tax debts. We do not foresee any other tax relief programme in the future,” Shivute said.

Shivute also revealed that the agency after one year of operation has exceeded its revenue target with N$3 billion.

“We are committed to build a World Class Revenue Agency, serving with passion to positively impact the livelihood of every Namibian. Our vision is bold. Our journey towards a world class revenue agency is steep and ambitious. However, we trust that together with our clients and stakeholders, and most importantly by the Grace of God, we will persist until we succeed,” she said.

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