The vital role of data management in access to information

By Jennifer Pogisho

The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN), in line with its commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement, continues to champion the proactive disclosure of information. By leveraging multiple communication channels, including its website and social media platforms, CRAN ensures that critical information remains accessible to the public.

Entities are required to respond to information requests within 21 days in terms of Section 37, subsections (2) and (3) of the Access to Information Act (ATI) (No. 8 of 2022). However, if the requested information is crucial to safeguarding an individual’s life or liberty, it must be provided within 48 hours.

To comply with the ATI Act, CRAN will maintain a well-structured data management system that allows for the efficient identification, retrieval, and safeguarding of information. Ensuring the integrity and security of stored data is essential to preserving its longevity and accessibility.

Additionally, CRAN is dedicated to streamlining information management processes by implementing a structured approach to the production, storage, organisation, and dissemination of data. This ensures that information is either proactively shared with stakeholders or made promptly available upon request.

To achieve this objective, developing a comprehensive records management policy and adopting best practices in data handling are crucial. A key advancement in this regard is the integration of an electronic records management platform to enhance traditional methods. By embracing digital solutions, CRAN reinforces its commitment to efficiency, accessibility, and transparency in information management.

Jennifer Pogisho is the Manager: Access to Information at the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN)

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