Bullish BW Energy eyes four-well exploration campaign in Namibia, with rig tender underway

BW Energy has filed plans to drill multiple exploration wells over the next two years to assess the potential resource upside of its gas-rich acreage in Namibia’s red-hot Orange basin.

The Oslo-listed player operates a production licence covering the 1.3 trillion cubic foot Kudu gas field and, in parallel to finalising a development plan to exploit this resource, is intrigued by how much additional oil and gas could be held in its block, given the flurry of exploration successes elsewhere in the prolific basin.

As a result of the huge discoveries made by TotalEnergies and Shell in nearby exploration licenses over the past two-and-a-half years, BW Energy decided to invest in shooting a modern 3D seismic over its entire licence, with the goal of finding out if it holds similar plays to those found by the supermajors, particularly the French giant’s mighty Venus find.

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