MTC hosts inaugural tech conference

Mobile Telecommunications Ltd, MTC, hosted the inaugural MTC OATF Tech conference, bringing together and providing a platform where industry experts explored and dissected relevant topics. The conference aims to foster dynamic and efficient tech solutions, prioritize engagement and networking, and grant institutions’ access to a broader range of knowledge, skills, and expertise.

Speaking at the conference, Minister of Information Communications and Technology, Honourable Emma Theofelus commended MTC for creating a platform that stimulates the national ICT discourse and synchronizing efforts to the national developmental agenda through ICT development and emphasised especially on digital literacy.

“Our journey towards a fully digital Namibia cannot succeed without a digitally literate population. I commend MTC for its leadership in digital literacy, but we must acknowledge that more needs to be done. Government efforts through the Ministry of Education to include digital literacy in the

curriculum faces challenges such as the cost of devices, lack of digital literacy among educators, and the availability of electricity in schools. Therefore, the Ministry of ICT is developing a Digital Literacy Framework to guide these efforts and ensure that they are standardized and of high quality. We conduct digital literacy training across the country, but our reach is limited. I call on everyone in this room to commit resources to a digital literacy initiative. Even simple efforts, such as teaching people how to use existing digital services, can make a significant difference. I pledge the support of our ministry’s staff to this cause, but we need more hands-on deck.”

MTC Managing Director, Dr. Licky Erastus, highlighted that “MTC has always been deeply inter-woven into the transformative telecommunications fabric of the nation. Hence, we inherently, as a corporate entity, observe and act on ways to grow the ICT industry however we can.  Our mission is, and has always been to break barriers, connect people, drive progress, share expertise and industry solutions. And that is precisely what this Tech Conference is advancing – by bringing industry thought leaders to share insights on essential industry topics, while exhibiting some tech capabilities and solutions. The evolution of technology is fast, and with almost every aspect of business moving towards digitalization, it warrants, that more than often, we must convene and share notes on how, collectively as a country, are going to forge ahead in driving digitalization and bring about innovative tech formulas and solutions to contemporary business affairs.

Erastus added that “The world is interconnected, and technology has emerged as the universal language that unites us all. From the bustling city and vibrant towns to the remote villages, technology infuses every aspect of our lives. It is the catalyst that drives progress, a bridge that connects communities and the tool that empowers individuals.

“We thus acknowledge our partners, namely the Ministry of ICT, the Ongwediva Town Council, the Namibia University of Science and Technology, Huawei, Namibia Electronics Sport Association (NESA), and the leadership of OATF Preparatory Committee, and all the speakers in assisting the culmination of successful MTC Tech conference,” Conclude Dr. Erastus.

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