Guidelines to support your children as they go back to school

By Abner Kalimbo

Namibia requires of its people highly competitive skills to survive socially, economically and intellectually. All children must be encouraged to fully utilise the academic opportunities they receive.

Academic growth requires dedication and hard work. A look at the recently announced examination results leaves a lot to be desired. As a parent you have a role to play in the education of your child. You have to provide your children with everything they need to do their homework and to study regularly in order to gain success. The following guidelines will help you to support your children in this regard:

  • Provide a quiet place at home for studying. Have a dictionary and other reference materials available.
  • Expect your child to do their best work on homework and school assignments. “It’s OK,” often isn’t good enough.
  • Review your child’s daily schoolwork and homework assignments. Ask them questions and praise their efforts. This allows you to keep in touch with whatthey are studying and lets you know when they have difficulties.
  • Encourage your child to write. Help them write thank you notes to relatives, shopping lists, schedules of activities and stories.
  • Watch TV programmes together. Help your child recognise the difference between what is “real” and what is fantasy or “pretend”.
  • Play games with your child. Ask themto read the rules to you and to explain them in their own words.
  • Encourage young children to play with paper, pencils, crayons, chalk, markers and paints. These activities develop coordination and creativity.
  • To emphasise important math concepts, use such everyday activities such as keeping a growth chart or counting knives and forks when setting the table.
  • Set an example by reading at home. Your child should see you reading books, magazines and newspapers. Read aloud frequently to your young child.
  • Continue to emphasise schoolwork as a priority for older children. Jobs, sports, clubs and other activities should not be allowed to interfere with learning.
  • Be cognizance of the time your child spends on their phones and ensure that they use these essential gadgets responsibly and to the benefit of their education.

Abner Kalimbo is Oshakati Branch ManagerELM Agency

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