Old Mutual empowers educators with Transformational Leadership Certification

The Old Mutual Foundation, in partnership with the African Leadership Institute (ALI) and the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, has concluded the Old Mutual School Transformation Leadership Programme (STLP). The programme is aimed at empowering leaders in the education sector, specifically principals and head of departments, to upskill them as transformational leaders in their respective schools and communities.

Since its inception, the Old Mutual School Transformation Leadership Programme has empowered over five hundred principals and head of departments across the 14 Namibian regions to the value of N$5.3 million.

Last month, sixty-three students graduated with a Certificate in Transformational Leadership (CTL) from the African Leadership Institute (ALI) of which ten benefitted from the Old Mutual School Transformation Leadership Programme.

During the celebration evening Mufaro Nesongano, Communications and Old Mutual Foundation Manager, emphasised his admiration of the graduating class of 2022 who diligently went through rigorous training and were successful in the completion of the certificate. “We each bear the responsibility to pass the mantle forward and ensure we teach, raise and help a child,” stated Nesongano.

The Old Mutual Foundation therefore remains committed to strengthen the community initiatives through the Foundation’s framework: Education and Skills Development, Community Initiatives and Financial Well-being initiatives.

One of the Old Mutual sponsored programme beneficiaries Roger Katjivikua, a principal at the Okakarara Secondary School in the Otjozondjupa region said that “the CTL course has gifted me the ability to see beyond capability and incapability of people and the ability to encourage, inspire, and motivate people to move from Point A to Point B, where Point B is a better place.”

“At my workplace, thanks to CTL, I am now more cognisant to the transformational needs of my team. I support them by involving them in the decision-making process and I stimulate their efforts to be as creative and innovative as possible. My wish for my fellow graduates is that you wholeheartedly embrace the transformative leader that is within you; that you go forth and cause significant and lasting alternative futures you pray, hope and dream of, for your clients, your communities, and the world,” Katjivikua added.

Furthermore, Foibe Nghishongwa from Eenhana in the Ohangwena region one of the deserving students who benefited from the Old Mutual sponsorship further stated that: “What I have learned through this CTL course has transformed me into a focused and visionary leader. Transformation at my workplace happened as I contributed to an improvement in team cohesion and productivity. Subordinates are happy and committed to achieving a common goal,” she said.

 “I try to understand and value each unique member of the team. I have started to plan more, making priorities, and setting smart goals for my life. This includes in social responsibility, my spiritual life and balancing my work and family. I have learned to trust God in everything. I am more accountable to my action than before. I learned that we need to forgive and live a happy life,” Nghishongwa added.

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