88 Energy Ltd has agreed a farm-in deal with a subsidiary of Monitor Exploration that expands the former’s footprint beyond Alaska’s North Slope and into Namibia. Specifically, it is set to earn up to a 45% non-operated working interest in the onshore Petroleum Exploration Licence 93 (PEL 93), which isContinue Reading

Toyota remains the leader in the Namibian automotive industry, accounting for 50% of total sales, a latest automotive report by Simonis Storm reveals. Volkswagen follows with a meagre 11% of the market share, while Ford accounts for 7%. “Consumer demand for Toyota vehicles outperform the market, mainly due to itsContinue Reading

Dundee Precious Metals has said that complex concentrate smelted at its Tsumeb smelter in the third quarter of 2023 of 21,782 tonnes was 42,208 tonnes lower than the corresponding period in 2022 due primarily to the timing of the Ausmelt furnace maintenance shutdown, which was completed during the third quarterContinue Reading