NGX confirms rich uranium prospects in Namibia

NGX Limited has confirmed significant uranium mineralisation at its Namibian Tubusis and Rossingburg projects, following a review of historical exploration data.

The company, which recently entered joint venture agreements to acquire these projects, reported promising intercepts of uranium at both sites, with plans to continue desktop modelling and on-ground activities pending permit approvals.

NGX is optimistic about the projects’ potential, with Tubusis showing extensive surface mineralisation and Rossingburg being an advanced prospect in an established uranium district.

NGX’s Executive Director, Matt Syme, commented: “We are very pleased with the progress since acquiring the Tubusis and Rossingburg uranium projects in Namibia. Permitting is proceeding according to plan and our initial data review has highlighted the excellent prospectivity of both projects. Tubusis is a compelling early-stage project, with widespread uranium anomalism at surface, on an outcropping leucogranite surrounded by cover. Rossingburg is a more advanced exploration prospect in the heart of the uranium mining district, near a number of producing or emerging operations, and with widespread uranium mineralisation in previous drilling. We expect to provide further updates as permitting and data processing are completed along with developments on NGX’s natural graphite projects.”

Tubusis (EPL9629), a 113km2 licence application, to the northeast of Swakopmund, is in an under explored region of the Damara belt. Tubusis lies within the north-northeast-trending Welwitschia lineament zone which played an important role in the localisation of uraniferous alaskites in Namibia. Tubusis is adjacent to the Erongo Complex which consists of basal sediments, which are overlain by basaltic and rhyodacite.

The complex is cored by intrusive granodiorites and monzogranites, whilst the outer rim is intruded by Erongo Granite. Within the licence area, leucogranites and other intrusives intrude into folded Karibib and Kuiseb formations. Soil cover is also abundant in the licence area, masking the continuity of sedimentary and intrusive units.

Limited previous exploration has focused on the Tubusis leucogranite outcrop to the east of the licence area. The Tubusis outcrop is an approximately 750m by 200m garnet-bearing leucogranite outcrop surrounded by sand, soil and calcrete cover. The garnet-bearing granite is cross-cut by thin layers of pegmatitic granite and medium-grained biotite-rich granite.

The Project’s Vendor has received notification that the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy has updated its application for the Tubusis project (EPL9629) to ‘Intention to Grant’ pending the completion of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). The Project’s Vender with NGX has commenced the ECC process to enable the licence to be granted.

As the ECC process is undertaken, NGX continues to correlate regional data on the area to develop exploration targets and further understand uranium mineralisation.

Rossingburg (EPL9921) (Rossingburg Project) a 47km2 licence application, is located in the main uranium production hub of the central Damara uranium province, less than 20km from both the Rossing uranium mine and Bannerman Energy Limited’s (Bannerman) Etango uranium Project. The Rossingburg Project area includes extensive outcropping alaskites and encountered widespread uranium mineralisation in drilling by past explorers.

The Rossingburg Project has been historically explored by Bannerman as part of their Etango project, where Bannerman recently announced the granting of the Mining Licence. Prior to Bannerman, Rio Tinto held the ground exploring for various commodities in the 1970’s, including uranium. The licence has been subject to multiple drill programs resulting in a number of notable intercepts which will be valuable in the development of future programs and target generation.

NGX is continuing to collate all historical data available and undertaking a comprehensive review during the application period, while the EPL is pending grant.

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