NHE delivers 108 houses at Swakopmund

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni has handed over 108 houses under the Government-funded Mass Housing Development Programme in Swakopmund. The remaining 208 houses are yet to be completed as the contractor is attending to the finishes, such as plumbing and electrical works.

Speaking at the hand over, Uutoni emphasized that unity is the key in realizing national goals. “Our chances for greater success in our quest to achieve our national aspirations and goals such as housing require unity of purpose and collaboration between the Government at all levels, members of the community, the private sector notably the construction industry and financial institutions as well as non-governmental partners” he said.

Uutoni went on to say that decent shelter is a basic necessity of life, and as a Government of the people, they believe that it is justified for the citizens as the sovereign to expect to have a place that they call their own and to meet their dwelling and survival needs.

“In keeping with this reality and our commitment to the people of Namibia, housing remains one of our key development priorities as clearly articulated in our national development frameworks namely Vision 2023, national development plans and the Harambee Prosperity Plan 2.

“As we celebrate the important milestone that has been reached in respect of this project, I wish to address the issue of delays in the execution and completion of national projects such as this namely actions of some private contractors who tender for and get work opportunities from the Government but do not honour their contractual obligations in completing projects on time and on budget, resulting in increase in costs and unwarranted blames on the Government while the fault is actually on the part of the defaulting contractors. This is unacceptable and I am calling for stern action against such contractors including black-listing them. I wish to commend the current contractor who took over the project and is delivering as per the agreement,” he said.

The minister further touched on the role of members of the community who are beneficiaries and whose dreams of owning a house have become a reality through this project.

“You have an important role to playing in complementing and helping the Government to create opportunities for other needy Namibians by prompting honouring your home loan repayment obligations so that the money that they are paying back on time will be used to build houses for your fellow Namibians. I urge your cooperation in this regard,” he said.

The Governor of Erongo, Neville Andre highlighted that Erongo still has a huge housing backlog, however “these little steps of housing delivery bring a huge relieve to the housing backlog and a smile to the beneficiaries, who finally has a place they can call home”.

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