Nedbank Namibia provides career guidance at the Namibia Careers Expo

Nedbank Namibia participated at the Namibia Careers Expo, which took at place at the Windhoek Country Club and Resort. The expo is an opportunity for secondary school learners to explore potential career paths and receive insights into the various industries.

The Nedbank Namibia team promoted financial literacy among the youth, and helped the learners make informed decisions about their career options, by having them take a personality test which determines the career path that would suit them best. The team also provided information about different career opportunities in the banking industry, and advice the learners on the qualifications one should obtain to work in the bank.

During the course of the expo, different participants were given a platform to formally present their company’s offerings to the different school learners in attendance at the expo. Nedbank Divisional Risk Analyst, Jason Kaisho, presented to the learners about the different types of risk management areas in the bank, and advised on the fields learners can specialize in to work in the risk related field within the banking industry.

Grade 12 Academia Secondary School learner, Jeomba Kaakunga, who visited the Nedbank Namibia stand at expo said that he appreciated the effort of the Career Expo because he learned about the various tertiary education institutions as well as career paths one can choose from.

“When I took the Nedbank personality test, it showed me which career I should consider because what it says about my personality actually fits the person I am. I now know what I want to study in the future”, Kaakunga mentioned. Based on the results of the personality test, Kaakunga career match is in the field of law.

Nedbank Namibia Head of Human Capital, Bianca Muller, emphasised the importance of such platforms and why Nedbank Namibia supports events of that nature.

“The importance of career expos such as this one encourages collaboration between learners and the business world. It serves as a platform for career advice, and exposure to students.  This allows for engagement between students and potential employers and can serve as a networking platform which provides access to information about job opportunities available in the various industries.  Nedbank is proud to be in support of this agenda of employment creation and does so through its bursary scheme which assists students with funding to study towards various critical banking fields such as Data Analytics, Information Technology, Financial Risk Management, and others,” Muller mentioned.

The Namibia Careers Expo is an incredible platform for learners to explore different career paths. It was also a great opportunity for Nedbank Namibia, as a market leading commercial bank to interact with the next generation of talent.

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