31 NWR employees complete Management Development Program

Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) has announced that those 31 middle management employees have successfully completed the Management Development Program (MDP).

The program ran over 12 months and was tailored to ensure staff members keep themselves abreast with the latest management and leadership skills needed for the industry.

The Management Development Program was designed in-house and was tailored to enhance the management skills of resort and head office managers and to equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in their roles. The program covered various topics, including leadership, strategy, finance, and human resources management.

Dr. Matthias Ngwangwama, Managing Director of Namibia Wildlife Resorts, congratulated the employees on their successful completion of the program.

He said, “NWR commits itself to provide training, development and capacity building opportunities to all its employees. I am proud of the hard work and dedication shown by our employees during this program.

Their commitment to self-improvement is a testament to their professionalism and their desire to contribute to the growth and success of our country and organisation.”

The certificates were handed over by Dr. Matthias Ngwangwama on April 25, 2023, in a ceremony attended by head office management.

Namibia Wildlife Resorts is committed to providing its employees with the necessary training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and grow in their careers.

The Management Development Program is just one example of this commitment, and NWR will continue to invest in its employees to ensure the organisation’s success.

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