NHE and partners hand over 60 new houses in Windhoek

The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) today handed-over 60 houses under a pilot project and smart partnership between them, the Ministry, Khomas Regional Council and the City of Windhoek.

Launched around August 2020, the informal settlement upgrading programme has delivered over 570 houses constructed by both the NHE and City of Windhoek in various informal settlements of Windhoek.

“This is a custom made and deliberate approach to deliver affordable, decent houses for those with very minimal incomes,” minister of urban and rural development, Erastus Uutoni said while delivering the houses.

“Therefore, it makes us proud when we witness the transition of our people from corrugated iron shacks into a proper house. Most of the beneficiaries we have interact with are clearly appreciative of our efforts, because looking at their financial circumstances and the prices of houses in the market, they have never thought their dreams of having decent shelter would come this soon. We have made this intervention to make their dreams come true, hence we will forever be proud to have restored our people’s dignity with this project,” further remarked Uutoni.

He went on to highlight that in the current times of economic hardship, he wished to assure Namibians that Government through the Ministry or Urban and Rural Development is doing its utmost best to provide decent and improved living standards for the citizens.

“However government alone cannot do so and needs all our collective effort and support from all stakeholders and development partners to make a lasting impact in the delivery of housing for our people,” he said.

Uutoni also noted that government was eager to dignify as many homes as possible in the informal settlements.

“For your information, we are switching ideas to also look at some of our professional such as teachers, nurses and man and women in uniform living in the informal settlements to be able utilise their subsidies to acquire houses. Currently City of Windhoek and NHE has identified a fully service area in Goreagab to build houses under N$350 000 to the middle income group that I have mentioned,” he said.

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