NAMDIA foundation announces N$2.8 million bursary recipients

Embarking on its biggest investment and philanthropic commitment yet, the NAMDIA Foundation in August 2022 launched its Bursary Scheme, which would grant 14 students aspiring to pursue their academic studies at accredited tertiary education institutions in the SADC region.

Through a rigorous selection process, the NAMDIA Foundation awarded 14 young deserving students from 13 regions to pursue their tertiary education in the fields of Mining Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, and Agronomics (to name a few) at UNAM, NUST, Stellenbosch University, University of Johannesburg, and the University of Zambia.

The announcement of the recipients was held at Avani Hotel in Windhoek’s city centre, on Friday, 03 February 2023 where Maureen Hinda-Mbuende, Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises officially announced the recipients. During her announcement, Hinda-Mbuende encouraged the recipients to work hard and focus on their studies and make use of this wonderful opportunity that was awarded to them by The NAMDIA Foundation.

The event was also attended by members of the diamond industry and representatives from UNAM and NUST. In her welcoming remarks, NAMDIA CEO and The NAMDIA Foundation Chairperson, Alisa Amupolo announced the NAMDIA Foundation will invest approximately N$2.8 million per year on its first group of recipients, amounting to approximately N$200 000 per year per student. This would cover the students’ tuition fees, hostel accommodation, transport, study material and a monthly stipend to cover their expenses during their academic tenure.

She also emphasised that with 5% of NAMDIA’s gross profits being channelled to The NAMDIA Foundation, the Foundation hopes to establish its bursary scheme as an annual project where more students will be selected for the program.

The NAMDIA Foundation received over 300 applications from across the country, with the majority of the applicants and recipients coming from marginalized backgrounds and some from single-parent households. One successful applicant hails from each region of the country, with the exception of !Kharas, where two applicants were awarded bursaries.

In attendance, the Chairman of the NAMDIA Board of Directors, Bryan Eiseb in his official remarks emphasised that at NAMDIA they believe the true value of our nation’s diamonds can only be established when we help eradicate poverty, and that is what NAMDIA aspires to accomplish. He also re-iterated a portion from his speech during the launch of The NAMDIA Foundation Bursary Scheme in August last year, that when a single family member is educated, a shift is noticed in the well-being of that entire family and a community, especially in rural areas.

The inaugural recipients of the NAMDIA Foundation Bursary Scheme announced by Deputy Minister, Hinda-Mbuende are Alweendo Tuwilika, Manyando Fred, Goeieman Alvaro, Amutenya Shetu, Patrick Jacob, Haukongo Hedula, Murorua Bradley, Shikudule Maria, Mujoro Unombuiro, Henok Abiatar, Shikele Homateni, Enkali Sackaria, Gaseb Joakie and Sinvula Terrence.

The NAMDIA Foundation aims to continue undertaking projects aimed at producing lifelong and generational benefits that contribute to the overall social and economic growth of our nation. It also intends to broaden its impact program through short and long-term investments focused on the pillars of Education, Health, and Sport. The Foundation is also open to ad-hoc, high-impact initiatives aimed towards socioeconomic transformation.

Since inception, NAMDIA has invested close to N$40 million on various impact programs and prioritizing investment into initiatives such as its Bursary Scheme. NAMDIA’s organizational objectives remain focused and support the objectives of the Government’s developmental agenda and contribute to the Harambee Prosperity Plan and Vision 2030 through the provision of a qualified and skilled workforce.

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