MTC’s BSS promotes business growth, agility

Having adopted and implemented a new Business Support System (BSS) late last year, MTC has successfully rolled it out to streamline its business process and ensure agility in serving over 2.5 million Namibians on its grid.

The evolution of technology is constant, and digitalization is now a factor central to business operation (s), which then requires corporates to continuously keep up with the latest business systems to avoid becoming redundant and obsolete.

According to Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo, “Companies, whether macro or micro; public or private, need an up to date and effective IT business support system to enhance productivity, enable innovation, and give the required technical aid to the overall implementation of business strategy, and most key, in meeting the people’s expectation (s) competently.

The adoption of new BSS has brought tangible benefits to continue manifesting quality services and innovative product offerings. The benefits are such as the real-time system integration, which has significantly improved the company’s turnaround time; advancing swift error-free procedures; allowing personalized offerings; and facilitating in advanced analytics, amongst others.”

Ekandjo, emphasized that “customers are likely to choose to work with entities that are up with technology trends, as it gives them a sense of reliability, commitment and dedication. With ancient BSS, a streamlined company processes will not be assured and company will be unfit to cut through a harsh environment where digitalization is key.

“Additionally, the issue of customer data protection is very crucial, and any entity that stores and handles people’s data must have in place a sound support system that aids the safe storage and retrieval of such data. With technology ever evolving the need for agile, adoptive business systems becomes necessary for an entity like MTC to continue on the upward path it has been doing within the Namibian space. Thus, investment in such technology underpins our business process and strategy – ultimately with the aim to continue meeting the expectations of our customers,” concludes Ekandjo.

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