…Fuel station owners threaten to shut fuel pumps The Fuel and Franchise Association (FAFA) of Namibia, in a meeting with its members and various stakeholders has threatened a seven-day nationwide shutdown of fuel stations, should their final offer to the Ministry of Mines and Energy not be met. Fuel stationContinue Reading

Members of the Namibian Transport and Taxi Union (NTTU) are planning to strike in Windhoek on 26 July. Unionists are demanding a 40% fare increase, saying taxi prices have not been adjusted for at least two years despite rising fuel prices, maintenance costs and other expenses. The threat also comesContinue Reading

By Bank Windhoek’s Head of Digital, Data and Customer Transformation, Ryan Geyser. There is a concern that financial institutions, in general, are forcing innovation on customers and are not being mindful of the needs of all Namibians. This discourse attempts to demystify common misconceptions regarding banking innovation. Myths of digitalContinue Reading

The Spar Group Limited has lodged an application with the High Court in which it claims that Insignia Retail (Pty) Limited trading as Rehoboth Build It has defaulted in their supply agreement and is now indebted to the Group to the tune of N$92 million which it must pay. TheContinue Reading

A delegation from the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Industrialisation and Trade, Lucia Iipumbu earlier this week. The delegation led by its Commissioner, Sam Shivute shared its vision and objectives relevant to the MIT and enhancement of trade facilitation in Namibia. Addressing theContinue Reading

MobiPay Namibia has scooped the award for the Most Convenient Fintech Payment Solution at this year’s Reputable Banks and Fintech Awards which took place in Scotland last week. MobiPay was nominated for two awards and was selected amongst top Reputable Fintechs in Africa to participate in the 2022 conference whichContinue Reading