NAMPORT’S revenue has declined 2% to N$1.113 billion (2019/20: N$1.138) against a target of N$1.032 billion, with an operating profit of N$96 million (2019/20: N$132 million),” the Authority’s latest annual report reflects Subsequently, the Group’s revenue, which includes Namport and its subsidiaries, was down 12% to N$1.485 billion (2019/20: N$1.688Continue Reading

NAMIBIA Breweries Limited’s (NBL) – a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group – overall volumes increased by 9.2%, predominantly due to production volumes sent to South Africa, however, the Namibian beer volumes declined by 7.3% due to COVID-19 waves, which created a restricted trading environment during the periodContinue Reading

LAST week, Nedbank Namibia held its Employee Top Achievers Awards 2021 ceremony at its new campus in Windhoek’s Central Business District (CBD). At the annual award event, the bank recognised the high achievers, the go-getters, the self-starters, and the doers who excelled in their respective fields. During the evening, 16Continue Reading

The Namibia Industrial Development Agency (NIDA) received dividends of up to N$4 million from Pupkewitz Toyota, Phillip Namunjebo recently revealed. Namundjebo who was speaking at Pupkewitz Toyota’s official opening of their new N$11.7 million state of the art branch in Rundu located at Marcus Shiwarongo Street.  “We are very proudContinue Reading

Renew and pay fees or face termination- MIT The Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT) has warned liquor license owners that all relevant liquor licences must be renewed and license fees paid on or before 31 March 2022 as per Section 21 and 22 of the liquor license Act, `1998.Continue Reading

Canadian junior Monterey Minerals has signed definitive agreements for the acquisition of seven exclusive prospecting licences from a group of private prospectors in Namibia. The acquisition of 85% interest in these properties, totalling 93 514 ha, would make the company one of the larger and better-positioned landowners in the ErongoContinue Reading

Rental prices for houses with more than three bedrooms have continued to sour recording staggering yearly growth, FNB Namibia’s recently released housing index reflects. The Bank’s Market Research Manager, Frans Uusiku last week said that the more than 3-bedrooms segment has consistently kept the rental growth momentum upbeat relative toContinue Reading

OLD Mutual’s commitment to Community Crime Prevention initiatives started in 2015 through a partnership with the City Police for the Community Games and continued in 2018 with the Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) Association of Namibia. This was done in collaboration with the Namibian Police Force to identify and capacitate struggling registeredContinue Reading

Paratus Group announces its expansion into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This coincides with the news that Paratus has won, together with DRC based Global Broadband Solution (GBS), the government tender to activate a 620-kilometer fiber optic network link between Muanda, on the West Coast, to DRC capital city,Continue Reading