Government has cast its net on the benefits it intends to derive from the hugely anticipated green hydrogen endeavour, with a draft local content policy having been finalised amid stakeholder engagements to frame a Synthetic Fuels Act. This was last week revealed by Carlo McLeod, Deputy Director, Compliance, Regulations andContinue Reading

Fisheries and Marine Resources minister, Derek Klazen has dissected the Seal conundrum which to date has had an increasing and devastating effect on the sustainable harvesting of Namibia’s fish stocks. At independence in 1990, Namibia was estimated to have had a Seals population of approximately 350, 000 individuals. At presentContinue Reading

Upskilling and empowerment company Dyna Training Namibia has noted a marked increase in demand for supervisory skills training in the country’s mining industry. Although its core clients focus on the gold and copper sectors, the company has recently started engaging with clients in the uranium and zinc sectors. “Mining housesContinue Reading

Namibia institutional investment community is set to convene in Windhoek on the 15th and 16th of March 2023, for the Second Annual Namibia Institutional Investors Forum. Under the theme, “Rethinking Investment Returns in the New Normal ― Investing for Impact”, the two-day conference will bring together key players in theContinue Reading

During the 2021/2022 financial year, the fishing sector has employed 18 105 people who are either employed on fishing vessels or on land-based factories, of which women make up the largest component with 64% of employment in land-based factories, Derek Klazen, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources has said. SpeakingContinue Reading