The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) has announced the appointment of Gabriel Indombo, CFA as Treasurer, effective 01 June 2024. Gabriel succeeds Nicky Mutenda, who was promoted to Chief Financial Officer in December last year. Gabriel joins DBN from the Bank of Namibia, where he served as a Senior PortfolioContinue Reading

Her Worship, Vanessa Stanley has been appointed a Chief Magistrate. Stanley was appointed on recommendation of the Magistrates Commission, effective 01 June 2024. Prior to her appointment as Chief Magistrate, Stanley served as Deputy Chief Magistrate: Training – tasked with the overall responsibility of the training component in the Magistracy.Continue Reading

By Jacquiline Pack In contemporary consumer culture, brands are omnipresent. We cannot escape their profound influence and call to interact with them. We have complex mosaic theories explaining the power of brands for the companies that own them, the consumers who purchase and consume them, and the mark they leaveContinue Reading

Deep Yellow has selected contractor Ausenco Services to deliver detailed engineering and engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services for the company’s flagship Tumas uranium project, in Namibia. It is intended that an EPCM commercial agreements and contracts award for detailed engineering will be finalised over the coming months, followingContinue Reading