AN engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) contractor has been appointed to design and construct a lithium pilot processing plant at the Uis mine in Namibia, technology metals mining company AfriTin has said. This follows metallurgical test work results of the London Aim-listed mining and exploration company showing the successfulContinue Reading

EXPLORER and developer African Pioneer has started a 25 to 30 hole shallow diamond drilling programme on the Ongombo project in Namibia, with six holes thus far intersecting “encouraging” sulphide mineralisation with chalcopyrite at shallow depths. With projects also in Botswana and Zambia, African Pioneer notes that the drill programmeContinue Reading

ALLEGATIONS of uncompetitive practice in the property valuation industry by commercial banks has arisen, with Namibia’s competition watchdog, the Namibian Competition Commission (NaCC) acknowledging that such concerns have been brought to their attention. A complaint recently written to the Commission by property valuer, Mekondjo Alfeus highlights that commercial banks couldContinue Reading

PRESIDENT HAGE GEINGOB  will this week lead a strong but lean delegation consisting of Ministers, senior government officials and private sector representatives to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting scheduled to take place from 22 – 26 May 2022 in DavosKlosters, Switzerland, under the theme “History at a TurningContinue Reading

ASX-, NSX- and OTCQB-listed Bannerman Energy has struck a deal to acquire 41.8% shareholding in TSX-V-listed critical minerals explorer Namibia Critical Metals Inc (NMI). NMI’s flagship asset is the 95%-owned, advanced and fully permitted Lofdal heavy rare earths project in Namibia, which is the subject of an earn-in agreement withContinue Reading

OLAFIKA SME Development and Mentorship Programme has invited up and coming entrepreneurs to apply for the second intake which will commence on 13 June. Agripreneurs, techpreneurs, health and fitness entrepreneurs, emerging and growth ready jewellers, women in business and especially people living with disabilities are being encouraged to apply andContinue Reading