Bank Windhoek’s Executive Officer of Corporate and Institutional Banking Lukas Nanyemba has announced Gideon Vos as the Bank’s new Head of Investment Banking at Corporate and Institutional Banking, effective Wednesday, 11 January 2023. “Vos has 19 years’ investment banking experience in African markets. He joins us from the Mauritius CommercialContinue Reading

The agricultural sector contracted by 1.5 percent during the first three quarters of 2022, compared to the same period in 2021, with the 14.2 percent contraction in 3Q2022 is the largest decline since 2Q2019, research firm, Simonis Storm has said. The biggest contributors the 3Q2022’s decline include livestock farming (downContinue Reading

High Court judge, Justice Ueitele this week postponed to early next month, an application for summary judgment by Copemar SA in which the Spanish firm is seeking to force embattled Fishcor’s subsidiary, Seaflower Whitefish to pay back a loan in excess of N$53 million it claims was never repaid. TheContinue Reading

During 2022 a total of 10,923 units were sold, 15.9% higher than the 9,427 units that were sold in 2021 and exceeding the 10,415 units sold in 2019, a vehicle sales report released by Simonis Storm last week reveals. Annual sales were split 51% for passenger vehicles and 49% commercialContinue Reading

It is incredible how many people make resolutions about getting themselves into shape when a new year begins. Very few of us, think about the ‘financial hangover’ that we are dragging into a new year and how much getting personal finances back in shape could benefit our lives. But, asContinue Reading

For the full year 2022, B2 Gold’s Otjikoto Mine in Namibia produced 161,614 ounces of gold, slightly below the revised guidance range of 165,000 to 175,000 ounces, the Gold miner has announced. The mine produced 60,068 ounces of gold in the fourth quarter of 2022, which included a monthly productionContinue Reading

Since October 2022, scientists, and consultants from the Frankfurt-based institutions DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. and ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research have been analysing the means by which a hydrogen economy can be successfully established in Namibia and the possibilities for exporting it to Germany. WithinContinue Reading