Koryx Copper plans 36-hole drill campaign at Namibian resource

Koryx Copper has announced that drill rigs have been mobilized to its Haib Copper project in Namibia for a follow-on drill program that is planned to start later in September 2024.

According to the company, approximately 8,200m of diamond core drilling in 36 holes has been planned to test potential resource extensions and to prove up additional mineralized material at hopefully higher grades.

“A further drill program will then be planned to commence later in 2024 or early 2025 which will target the identified down dip extensions to mineralization where the RPEEE pit has been data constrained,” said the miner.

It is expected that a successful drill program in this area has the potential to significantly increase the total tonnage of the mineralised system.

This revelation comes subsequent to an announcement last week by the company that an updated resource statement for the Haib Copper Project has been completed by the Company’s independent technical consultant MSA Group (MSA) following all results being received from the 2024 drilling program.

Heye Daun, Koryx Copper’s Executive Chairman, stated: “We are delighted with the results of the recently completed drill program, which have now been modelled and have resulted in an overall grade increase of 13-14% of the entire Haib deposit. This is a very significant improvement and has been achieved by focusing the drilling on structurally controlled, higher grade portions of especially the Target 1 area of the Haib deposit. This success is even more remarkable, given the relatively limited amount of new drilling which was completed as part of this program. It is testament to the quality of the technical work which the team carried out and which continues to identify further areas of potential grade improvement and mineral resource growth of the Haib deposit. As the incoming management team we are very excited about the positive base which has been established. The next step is to build on this by planning & executing a significantly upsized follow-on drill program, initiating the additional met testwork to hopefully demonstrate the feasibility of a more conventional process route to generally continue to de-risk and to fast-track the development of the Haib copper deposit.”

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