Swarovski makes Namibia grand entrance  

Swarovski Namibia hosted its first annual event with its customers as well as members of public at its recently opened shop at the Grove Mall Namibia. This occasion was graced with an intimate crowd including the new brand ambassador Cassia Sharpley, Jonathan Minter, Swarovski Regional Manager and owner Wagner Luis.

At this occasion, Minter expressed his excitement on using local influential Namibians that align with its brand of elegance, grace, sophistication as well as brand ambassador characteristics of maintaining the Swarovski brand. “Since 1895, founder Daniel Swarovski’s mastery of crystal cutting has defined the company. His enduring passion for innovation and design has made it the world’s premier jewellery and accessory brand. Today, the family carries on the tradition of delivering extraordinary everyday style to women around the world. Swarovski Crystal Business has a global reach with approximately 2,400 stores and 6,700 points of sales in over 150 countries and employs more than 18,000 people,” he boasted. He emphasized the importance to understand each local market and to allow its brand to resonate with its community members. “When we were tasked to open the shop, it was very important to research the local market and during the time of opening Swarovski, former Miss Namibia Cassie Sharpley held the helm of the crown and allowed a lot of recognition globally that ties us with the local and international market,” he said.

At the same occasion, Sharpley shared her excitement and honour to commit to the one-year role at Swarovski, Namibia and committed her continuous effort to safe guard the brand. “It is still hard to believe that such a timeless brand that my parents grew up with, has been presented to me to fulfill objectives. One of such is to allow women to define their inner beauty. Beauty that is only enhanced from the outside but starts within. It was so amazing to learn about Swarovski’s creative process is uniquely prolific. With a focus on trend curation, design, and meaningful branding, every piece tells a story and embodies over 125 years of mastered craftsmanship. The continuous evolution of material and technique makes Swarovski the leader of crystal cut creations. Therefore, I am humbled to take on this role. Wearing much jewellery from the crown to my international staged dresses, I think that this partnership was a perfect match,” she proudly said.

Luis toasted to the official opening of Swarovski with its announcement of its brand ambassador as well as appreciation to its Namibian customers. “It is not just about opening any business adventure, there’s always risk and more so a bigger expectation safe guarding such a credible brand such as Swarovski. We look forward to becoming a leading branch in the world and showing the rest of the world that Namibia has the same class of elegance, sophistication and consumer purchase interest, as anywhere else in the world,” he proudly announced. The first event of Swarovski Namibia is not the last one; whereby they intend on hosting many more to be top of mind in the community’s minds. Job creation is said to be as one of its driving forces to allow Namibians more employment through a brand that is very likely to stay in business for years to come. Audience members in attendance applauded Swarovski for this intimate setting and allowing them to share the experience of luxury, brand quality as well as a new lifestyle of celebrating beauty from within through its customized crystal pieces.

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