The Namibian Competition Commission (NaCC) has resolved to initiate two investigations against First National Bank  and others in terms of Section 33 of the Namibian Competition Act, 2003 (No. 2 of 2003). The first investigation relates to the alleged historic fixing of interchange rates through the Payments Association of NamibiaContinue Reading

The GIZ-UNESCO project on “Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Private Sector Engagement for inclusive Community Development in response to the Covid-19 crisis in Namibia” has commenced already and is expected to be completed by August 2022, tourism minister Pohamba Shifeta has said. The project is jointly implemented by the Ministry ofContinue Reading

The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) has fired a salvo at newly formed business association, NALOBA, highlighting that over recent weeks, false and misplaced allegations have been advanced through the media by misguided individuals and groups purporting to speak on behalf of Namibia’s business sector. NCCI CEO CharityContinue Reading

FNB Namibia has received a total of seven PMR Awards at a handover held in Windhoek this week. “We are humbled and honoured to receive these PMR awards as this once again validates FNB’s commitment to provide customers with consistent value and service that make a real difference in theirContinue Reading

The Far-North of Namibia has always been a key strategic focus area for Bank Windhoek, evident from the Bank’s footprint of 16 branches and 106 Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs). Bank Windhoek’s Managing Director, Baronice Hans, shared this information at the Northern Estate Agents Award event hosted on Thursday, 10 MarchContinue Reading