THE Namibia Inter-bank Settlement System (NISS) continued to maintain high system availability throughout 2021 further recording a settlement milestone of N$1.0 trillion during the reporting year. This was revealed by the Bank of Namibia (BoN) and the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) when they jointly released the annual NamibiaContinue Reading

A Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) Covid-19 business relief loan has helped to preserve approximately 950 jobs by providing finance of N$53 million to pay salaries of employees of the well-known tourism and hospitality operation, The Gondwana Collection.The 950 employees are distributed among 28 accommodation establishments and companies that makeContinue Reading

DIAMONDS multinational De Beers Group is investing N$30 million in Kelp Blue, a startup focused on growing and managing large-scale giant kelp forests, initially off the Namibian coast. These underwater forests have the potential to safely and permanently lock away vast amounts of carbon dioxide in the ocean. Research hasContinue Reading

PREMIUMS paid by member institutions amounting to N$5.079 million and a total annual interest income of N$278,496 has led to a 3.8% year-on-year increase in the market value of the Deposit Guarantee Fund to N$10.260 million. This was revealed in the Namibia Deposit Guarantee Authority (NDGA)’s second Annual Report forContinue Reading

Through the collaborative efforts between the Otjiwarongo Town Council and the National Housing Enterprise (NHE), the housing enterprise acquired 40 plots from the Town Council in 2021 and development was initiated, Business Express understands. Recently, NHE management team led by its Chief Executive Officer, Gisbertus Mukulu visited the project siteContinue Reading

Acting minister of Public Enterprises, Iipumbu Shiimi has dismissed talk of a potential TransNamibia liquidation saying that there is no truth in the allegations as portrayed in the media. Iipumbu emphasised that the State maintains the view that TransNamib is a strategic entity in the country’s logistics hub aspirations andContinue Reading