The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Danish Government have joined forces to resource and execute pre-feasibility studies for green corridors in five countries in the Global South. The “Global South Green Corridors” project aims toContinue Reading

The Khan project, in Namibia, is becoming a valuable asset to Canadian-headquartered Madison Metals and has potential to contain new high-grade uranium discoveries, says chairperson and CEO Duane Parnham. The project consists of mining licence 86A (ML86A) and exclusive prospecting licence 8905 (EPL-8905) and is immediately southwest of the producingContinue Reading

In efforts to bolster the efficiency and transparency of trade processes in the country, the Bank of Namibia and the Namibia Revenue Agency today officially launched Namibia’s first Trade Verification System (TVS). This innovative system will see Namibia’s trade landscape step into a new era of efficiency, compliance, and growth.Continue Reading

Namibia Airports Company (NAC) has successfully completed the Aerodrome Certification for Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA) and Walvis Bay International Airport. The Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) issued the aerodrome certificates to NAC last week in accordance with the Namibia Civil Aviation Regulations (NAMCARs) Part 139 provisions. The NCAA statesContinue Reading

Direct economic value generated and distributed in Namibia for the year 2023 by Bannerman Energy amounted to nearly N$29 million, the miner revealed recently. Of this, the biggest spend went to goods and services acquired from Namibian suppliers which totalled approximately N$17 million. This was closely followed by employee costsContinue Reading