Development Bank of Namibia has approved finance of N$76,855 million for bulk infrastructure for phase one of the Auasblick extension, consisting of 281 erven. Speaking at the launch of Auasblick Extension 1, a public private partnership (PPP) between Sinco Investments and the City of Windhoek, Development Bank of Namibia CEOContinue Reading

Last week, Rössing Uranium hosted its annual long service awards ceremony, to celebrate its 45, 40, 35 and 30 years long serving employees. Eleven employees, who have a combined 415 years of continuous service for Rössing Uranium were recognised at the glamorous event that took place at the Swakopmund SeasideContinue Reading

…as other key highlights include N$144.7 profit after tax up from N$13.3m Namib Desert Diamond (Pty) Ltd (NAMDIA) has released its audited Annual Report for the 2021/22 financial year subsequently declaring a dividend of N$150 million to its shareholder, the government. After two particularly challenging years shaped by the COVID-19Continue Reading

The Namibia Post and Telecom Holdings (NPTH)  has turned to the High Court to recover over N$500 000 in rental fees which the Ministry of Works and Transport has allegedly failed to pay, Business Express has established. The court action was subsequent to demand letters seen by Business Express which areContinue Reading

The Namibian Government is in full support of 5G technology, which would surely positively change how our country is governed, bringing a positive change in ease of business and ease of living, Peya Mushelenga, Minister of Information and Communication Technology has said. Mushelenga who was speaking at the Telecom NamibiaContinue Reading

The Bank of Namibia will remain committed to its digital transformation journey to position itself as a future-fit organization responsive to the needs of not only Namibia but to meet the same global demands, Deputy Governor of the Bank, Ebson Uanguta has said. Uanguta further noted that the Bank hasContinue Reading

With major oil and gas discoveries in early 2022, Namibia is the most recent trailblazer among Africa’s frontier energy hotspots, as displayed by the Invest in Namibia Country Spotlight organized at African Energy Week 2022 in Cape Town on Thursday. Hosted by Namibia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia InvestmentContinue Reading

Anne Madzara, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative has said that by launching national statistical standards, the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) is meeting several of the objectives of the African Charter on Statistics. Madzara was speaking at the launch of the NSA national statistical standards in Windhoek last week. Some of objectivesContinue Reading

By Chisom Obiudo Being a board member comes with the responsibility of governing an organisation by setting its strategic direction, making high-level strategic decisions and providing oversight to ensure that the organisation is meeting its goals. However, not all boards are effective or high performing. One of the challenges facedContinue Reading