By Hanks Saisai Land is one of the vital means of production that has enabled the transformation of many family agri-business ventures to be well established agri-enterprises that enjoy sustainable profits that are shared over many generations. Owning a piece of this precious asset, regardless of the tenure system underContinue Reading

Government has set its sights on potential dividends of at least N$2.5 billion from its high performing entities – cash cows – as it looks forward to positive revenue to fund the 2023-2024 national budget which was tabled last week and is in excess of N$84 billion, Business Express understands.Continue Reading

After considering the funding requirements of the Group into the future, power utility, NamPower has revealed that it has taken a decision to de-list the NamPower bond programme from both the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) subsequent to year end. Going forward, plans are underwayContinue Reading

Rural and urban development minister, Erastus Uutoni has welcomed a new National Housing Enterprise (NHE) Board of Directors which will be led by Toska Sem as Chairperson. Other Board members whose appointment will be effective March 1 2023 include,  Hasting Tjipuya (Deputy Chairperson), Ritta Khiba, Adda Angula,  Erikson Mwanyekange, OshoveliContinue Reading

The Namibian uranium sector is not only recovering from a global slump but is also, in fact, growing, owing to uranium prices improving amid positive supply and demand fundamentals, says Namibian Uranium Institute (NUI) executive director Dr Gabi Schneider. “Besides a few ebbs and flows over the past decade, theContinue Reading

Upskilling and empowerment company Dyna Training Namibia has noted a marked increase in demand for supervisory skills training in the country’s mining industry. Although its core clients focus on the gold and copper sectors, the company has recently started engaging with clients in the uranium and zinc sectors. “Mining housesContinue Reading